Monday, January 11, 2010

Turning Cold Water Into Wine

Turning Cold Water into Wine

I’ve often heard people use the expression: “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade”. I this fruity little piece of philosophy all the time and I always think to myself: How can you turn sour lemons into sweet lemonade without the sugar? Where do you get the sugar from to mask the bitterness? I mean, if it were simply a matter of squeezing life’s lemons into a drinkable form, everyone would do it and all tragedies would somehow have happy endings. The fact of the matter is however, squeezing lemons only gives you sour lemon juice, not refreshing lemonade. Afresh I wonder: Where does one get the sugar in order to make lemons into lemonade.

Perhaps the sugar is created as a result of pure perseverance or clever planning to turn the negative situation into a positive one. The sweetness comes when you can take good look at the sour events and see the meaningful lesson; therefore adding honey to the bitterness. Sometimes, people can find a way to turn it all around to end up in a better position than they were in to begin with. At the other end of the spectrum, some people are handed a fresh lemon or two and all they can do is whine about how hard life is. These people only seem to see the sour of the situation, as if they are blatantly sucking the lemons handed to them while not ever bothering to seek out betterment sugar. So this leads me to one burning question: Is success in the face of tragedy the sweetener we all need to make copious amounts of lemonade out of life’s lemons?

Let me tell you about something that happened to me a while ago: Life decided to splash me with freezing lemon water and then dare me to do something about it…

It was gray and clammy Monday morning as I steeped out the front door of my apartment. Another manic Monday because I was running a few minutes late for work, again, and so I knew I would have to pick up the pace of my walk if I wanted to make it on time. The dark skies above threatened to open up and pour down on me as the wind whipped through the trees and ruffled my jacket collar. My somnolent mind was struggling to focus on the day ahead, desperately trying to gain clarity of thought after a foggy fun weekend spent indulging friends and favourite vices.

A few blocks into my two-legged journey to work, I approach a large building that was being renovated. Ugly grey scaffolding and bright blue tarps covered the entire section of the building adjacent to the sidewalk. As I started to pass by, I noticed movement on the roof of the building, about 5 stories up. I didn’t look up as I heard a strange, wet and sloppy type of sound come from above, reminiscent of stepping in slushy snow in the wintertime. Two seconds later, a whole lot of freezing cold water falling from the roof landed directly onto my bare head!

I suddenly stopped moving and stood there frozen in shock, unsure about what had just happened to me. OMG!!!, I screamed in my head, Something just got dumped on me, what the hell is it?!? I immediately looked at my shoulders and arms to see if the freezing liquid substance was water or something worse. I could tell right away that it was probably just water, but damn it was cold and I was thoroughly soaked! A quick inspection of the area around me confirmed that the water was dumped directly onto my head, an almost perfect shot considering the areas behind and in front of me were still completely dry.

It was then that I heard muffled laughter traveling down from the roof above. My head quickly snapped up to see if I could get a look at the source. Instantly I knew that the water had been dumped on me from the roof and I was struck by the notion that the aim was deliberate.

“Hey!” I yelled up to the roof “What the hell did you just pour on me?!?”
In that moment, I saw a man’s head pop over the side and look down at me. He was trying hard to muffle his chuckling laughter and look serious and concerned but his smugly amused face betrayed him.

“Uh, Sorry!” He yelled in response.

Sorry? I am completely soaked from head to toe, hair and all, in cold dirty water of some kind, late for work and it looks like you did it on purpose and all you can say is sorry?!?
I was furious at this point aand so many thoughts rushed through my now very awake Monday morning brain. I don’t really remember what I said at this point but I’m fairly certain it involved more yelling, possible insult hurling, all while shaking my fist (remincent of Abe Simpson shaking his fist at clouds) at the mysteriously mean guy on the roof who had just ruined my day before it even had a chance to start.

I contemplated what to do at that point. I was very late already and going home and changing would make me super late for work. Upon closer inspection of my jacket and head, I was fairly certain it was just rain water he had poured off a tarp on the roof. A little rain never hurt anyone, I thought to myself as I decided to just suck it up, dry off, and get my late and now cold and wet ass to work. What else could I do? Clearly sticking around and yelling at the roof guy who was now hidden out of sight was not going to do me any good.

Later that day, as I was on my way home and approaching the guilty water retaining roof, I stopped to take a closer look at it. I soon noticed a small sign posted on the side of the building, indicating the construction company responsible for the current renovations. A light bulb went off in my head and I reached into my bag for a pen and paper to write down the company name and phone number. Since I walk this way every single day, this company was going to hear about my new found fear of having buckets of icy rain water aimed at my head as I harmlessly make my way to work. I scribbled down the company name with a mischievous smile on my face. Sometimes, you just can’t let certain things go by without a voice.

As soon as I got home, I called the guilty company. I really didn’t know what to except from them, an apology perhaps? I would have settled for a guarantee that this shocking little water incident wouldn’t happen again, to myself or any other innocent pedestrian.

I got through right away and I asked to speak directly with a manager. I was quickly transferred over and the voice of an older, cheerful man came on the line. I calmly introduced myself and then told him the story of my horrible morning. He sounded very surprised, especially when I told him about the exceptional aim of the water dropper and the subsequent laughter. He apologized immediately and asked me for my name, number and address so he could look into the matter. He explained that his company had subcontracted the roof work to another business and chances are, they were the ones responsible.

I was satisfied with how the manager dealt with my complaint. I reasoned that they had to know about what happened so they can make sure it doesn’t happen again and that made me feel good. I suppose everyone gets dumped on at some time or another, both metaphorically and literally. I guess today was just my day. I give the humour gods extra credit for doing it on a Monday morning when I’m already late for work. Nice job guys!

Three days later, I received a foreign letter in the mail. I opened it up and was delighted to find a hand written letter of apology for the construction company, as well as a cheque for $250! A big grin formed across my face as I looked at the cheque with my name on it. It just so happened I had limited funds at that time and the extra bucks would serve me very well indeed! I even laughed out loud at the thought that my horrible Monday morning and subsequent diplomatic complaint just earned me a lovely little $250 bucks. Yup, I do believe it was worth it!

So what did I do with the money? Well, I took half of it and put it into my bank account. The other half, I decided to spend very wisely: I threw fully catered wine and cheese party for my closest friends! It was a fun night, especially when I got to tell them just how and why I decided to throw a random party and buy a whole lot of delicious red wine to share with them. After all, I would take a sweet Australian Shiraz over bitter lemon juice any day!

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